over skeuvel

Over de Skeuvel

De Skeuvel is dé studentenschaatsvereniging van Enschede met meer dan 240 leden. Opgericht in 1966 zijn wij de oudste studentenschaatsvereniging van studerend en schaatsend Nederland. Bij de Skeuvel hebben we naast de schaatstrainingen in de winter, ook zomertrainingen, krachttrainingen en vooral heel veel gezelligheid! Zo hebben we elke maand een borrel, social skate en diverse activiteiten zoals bowlen, trampoline springen en een pubquiz.

Ice skating

In the winter we skate twice a week. The training is on Monday from 6:30 PM to 7:40 PM and on Thursday from 5:00 PM to 6:10 PM. The level within the association is very diverse, from real beginners to advanced. Training groups consist out of roughly 10 people with the same amount of expertise so that no one stays behind.


In the summer months, the ice rink is closed, but you don't have to sit still. There are weekly skating, cycling and skating fitness training sessions that you can participate in. In this way you can also keep in shape in the summer and you can easily get acquainted with other sports and training forms. In the summer, three cycling time trials are organized in which you can participate and we participate fanatically in the Batavierenrace every year!


Skating and training do not only have to be serious, but fun is also of paramount importance at Skeuvel. In addition to drinks on the first Tuesday of the month in Café Friends, activities and parties are regularly organized for and by members. Even after the training, there is always time to have a nice hot cup of chocolate. In the context of socializing, four trips are organized as well.

In the spring, a long weekend of cycling in the Belgian Ardennes is organized, in the summer a group of Skeuvels swaps the flat Netherlands to conquer mountains by bike for a week and just before the ice rink opens, a weekend is dedicated to the introduction (GLIJ-weekend) where the new members can get to know the association. Furthermore, a Skeuvel delegation departs every year around Christmas to Collalbo or Inzell to enjoy beautiful smooth ice in the Alpes.

If you are curious, you can always contact the board.